Peaceful Silhouette by Dimensions
stitched from a kit with included threads and fabrics
I'll be back in a few days with some pics from a recent Fair & Square exchange, but I am going through my draft posts trying to breathe some life into this blog. Meanwhile, enjoy this piece from Mr. SweetPea, something he stitched up a few years ago and gifted to his brother (another one we failed to take a photo of once it was framed).
Mr. SweetPea doesn't fool around and often takes on more ambitious projects (and still manages to finish a few of them before I get through some of my smaller projects!). To be honest, all these shades of brown and tan probably would have driven me batty, but he seemed to enjoy the process. It is indeed a peaceful scene, though!
As for me, I've been very busy with Little Dude back in preschool and going back to work myself. We're on the go all week, and try to do fun things with Little Dude on the weekends. It's our favorite time of year to be out and about and we've been very fortunate to have some beautiful weather in the northeastern US. Sadly, my stitching time has diminished. I've been going to bed earlier (5:30 am comes quick!) and I'm a lot more tired at night, so I limit how much time I spend on my pieces because I'd rather not be endlessly ripping out mistakes.
But as I mentioned, I do have a F&S exchange to post, so you'll be seeing that soon.